Monday, January 26, 2015

Metamorphosis - Day 2

Since tonight was the Asian cup match between Korea and Iraq, I let myself have a pop. Also Korea won and is going on to play for gold on sat. Yay!!!

Morning Exercise(Same as Last nights):
O - Sit up:10
O - Crunches 5
O- Leg Raises: 5
O - Plank: 10 sec
O - Push up: Max

X - Overdraws on bow: 30 sec (with 10 second hold) + 10 sec pre day
X - Arm bends with Bow: 30 sec (with 10 second hold) + 10 sec pre day
X - Bow Pushes: 30 sec (with 10 second hold) + 10 sec pre day

O - Morning Pray
X - Morning Scripture reading

O - Morning Class

X - Afternoon Archery Practice
X -Afternoon Korean Study
X - Afternoon Bible Study
X - Afternoon Prayer

Evening Exercise (Increase to new level):
O - Sit up: 15
O - Crunches 8
O - Leg Raises: 8
O - Plank: 13
O - Push up: Max

O - Overdraws on bow: 30 sec (with 10 second hold) + 10 sec pre day
O - Arm bends with Bow: 30 sec (with 10 second hold) + 10 sec pre day
O - Bow Pushes: 30 sec (with 10 second hold) + 10 sec pre day

O - Evening Korean Review
O - Evening scripture Reading
O- Evening Prayer


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