Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Metamorphosis of the Conquerworm - The Plan

I came to Korea in Sept. with the excuse of learning Korean but that was not the purpose. The purpose was because I needed to change. Not that I needed a change but I needed to change. It has taken me till now, Jan 25, to get to the point were I am ready to fight to make the change.

There are things I wont share here about me that I really don't like. They have become a disease slowly killing me. They have gotten worse this last month and I have reached a point were I need to do something about it. I knew about these issues before comping to Korea, I was hoping that being here would help force me to make the changes, which almost happened. I was sorta making progress when for part of the first term. Second Term, things were really changing for the better but there was the issue of the course and I didn't want to burden my classmates, so I dropped back to level one. This is were things turned back to not good. Because I was finding the course boring, I resorted back to my tendencies. Which brings me to know, with me frustrated with myself and ready to fight to change.

More importantly though, I want to live abundantly, in Christ, with a form of Godliness complete with its power. I want to not only awaken my heart but I want to fully live in the Spirit of Christ, with the Spirit of Christ. This was one of the purposes of me coming to Korea, to challenge my faith and to grow it. I have been challenged by these sermons:

And have accepted the challenge... I am looking forward to the rest of the series...

Also I plan on improving my physical situation. I have an addiction to pop, more specifically, Dr. Pepper. I was hoping this would be difficult for me to continue here in Korea, Which Korea was Great for, with the weather here when I first arrived and the easy access to water, I was doing amazingly well. But then the cool weather hit and things began to disintegrate. Now it is again an issue. This is really difficult with morning classes as I do not do well with mornings. In fact, mornings with class, I tend to hit the harder drugs (ie. energy drinks). I do this for two reasons; One the drinks taurine is suppose to help the mind. I want to learn Korean, and want all the help I can get. Two, I am tired and struggle to focus in the morning, more so now that class is boring and we have a classmate that doesn't understand anything, no matter how many times the teacher explains it. But this is going to change. I am determined to make the change to water. On top of this, I want to be able to use my bow properly, but like an idiot I let my ego get the better of me when I bought it. 48 lb limbs are to heavy for me to control. So I plan on working to improve me physical state. To accomplish this I plan on exercising twice a day, once in the morning and once at night around supper.

So here is my daily Plan:

Morning Exercise(Same as Last nights):
- Sit up:10 + 5 pre day
- Crunches 5 + 3 pre day
- Leg Raises: 5 + 3 pre day
- Plank: 10 sec + (3-5) seconds pre day
- Push up: Max

Overdraws on bow: 30 sec (with 10 second hold) + 10 sec pre day
Arm bends with Bow: 30 sec (with 10 second hold) + 10 sec pre day
Bow Pushes: 30 sec (with 10 second hold) + 10 sec pre day

Morning Pray
Morning Scripture reading

Morning Class

Afternoon Archery Practice
Afternoon Korean Study
Afternoon Bible Study
Afternoon Prayer

Evening Exercise (Increase to new level):
- Sit up:10 + 5 pre day
- Crunches 5 + 3 pre day
- Leg Raises: 5 + 3 pre day
- Plank: 10 sec + (3-5) seconds pre day
- Push up: Max

- Overdraws on bow: 30 sec (with 10 second hold) + 10 sec pre day
- Arm bends with Bow: 30 sec (with 10 second hold) + 10 sec pre day
- Bow Pushes: 30 sec (with 10 second hold) + 10 sec pre day

Evening Korean Review
Evening scripture Reading
Evening Prayer


So thats the plan. There will be rest days every three days, with the exception of bible reading and studying. As well as for Korean with will have a break on review days. 

I am going to use this blog to dairy my daily progress. In hopes that it will help keep me accountable and let you know how I am doing to help keep me accountable. 

So let the Metamorphosis begin. My God Bless this plan and may He support my efforts and bless them. May He awaken my heart and create a new spirit within me. 


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